Recommended Products!
During our classes, we mention many products we personally use and highly recommend. Good products from good companies ran by good...

Why do you carry a concealed handgun?
Ask a concealed carrier and you'll likely get several answers, which is no surprise, as everybody has their own reasons. Some carry for...

Springfield Armory's XD Family
Many times I am asked, “What kind of gun should I buy?” There are many other follow-up questions required in order to properly make...

Women are Discovering the Joy of Shooting
History reflects that men have long been associated with firearms, whether it was purpose-driven for survival, or for love of the sport...

New Shooter Glossary and Guidelines
SAFETY Cease Fire: All shooters are ordered to stop shooting and place firearm down in a safe manner. Range Safety Officer (RSO): The...

Hank's Amish Belts (CCW); The Gunner
So, I’ve always been one of those guys that carried his holster on a regular work belt. In fact, I’ve competed with that belt and have...

First Shooting Competition Match; What to Expect at Your First Match
So you have a little confidence under your belt and you're considering competing in your first shooting match. But you're very nervous,...
Gun Stores vs. Gun Shows
I love shopping for guns…not necessarily buying them, but looking at them and handling them. It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s at a...
A Woman's Introduction to the Shooting World
During my involvement in the shooting community, I have met some wonderful, good-hearted people. One of my goals as founder and creator...